Want to remember the 2010 Winter Games with a souvenir? No problem; all across British Columbia you can find a wide array of official trinkets. If you are not going to the games you can order the souvenir of your choice from the
official web site.

Pin trading is an Olympic tradition and collectors have plenty of pins to choose from in 2010. All the sports and most countries are represented on pins along with pins for the game mascots.

Miga, Quatchi, Mukmuk and Sumi, the mascots, are also available as stuffed animals ranging is size from four inches ($9.99) to over three feet ($249.99). If you want to learn more about the mascots, or play some games with them, just visit their
interactive web site. It is suitable for all ages but aimed at the young.

The Olympic games are all about athletes but they're also about memories and souvenirs are a great way to remember the experience. So shop away!
I was in the Vancouver airport just prior to Christmas and the beautiful Olympic store sucked me in! I got more pins and postcards than I knew what to do with, but couldn't quite pull the trigger on any stuffed animals. I am so ready for the Olympics!